HACMP/HA – wiele węzłów – Dynamic node priority

Dynamic node priority – jak sprawdzić status:

odin:/# lssrc -ls clstrmgrES
Current state: ST_STABLE
sccsid = "@(#)36
hacmp.pe, 51haes_r530, r5300525a 6/20/05 14:13:01"
i_local_nodeid 1, i_local_siteid 1, my_handle 2
There are 0 events on the Ibcast queue
There are 0 events on the RM Ibcast queue
CLversion: 8
Example 2-1cluster fix level is "0"
The following timer(s) are currently active:
Current DNP values
DNP Values for NodeId - 1 NodeName - frigg
PgSpFree = 0 PvPctBusy = 0 PctTotalTimeIdle = 0.000000
DNP Values for NodeId - 2 NodeName - odin
PgSpFree = 130258 PvPctBusy = 0 PctTotalTimeIdle = 99.325169
DNP Values for NodeId - 3 NodeName - thor
PgSpFree = 0 PvPctBusy = 0 PctTotalTimeIdle = 0.000000

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